Tax publications
Good news for the VAT treatment of company directors' activities
17.01.24On 21 December 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its decision on the "TP v Administration de l'Enregistrement, des Domaines et de la TVA" judgment (C-288/22) and the VAT treatment applicable to board of directors' remuneration.
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Belgian cross-borders: what documents should you have in the event of a roadside check?
09.01.24Belgian cross-borders using a Luxembourg-registered vehicle should be particularly vigilant in the event of a roadside check. Belgium continues to carry out regular checks on foreign-registered vehicles.
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Tax good news for 2024!
08.12.23Draft Law nr 8343, filed by the new government at the end of November, proposes a serie of positive measures aimed at maintaining household purchasing power and boosting the property market in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
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Vehicle fleet & VAT
01.12.23The future of vehicle fleets in Luxembourg and its neighbouring countries is currently a hot topic.
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End of temporary VAT rate cut in Luxembourg
27.11.23As a reminder, following the law of October 26, 2022, the Luxembourg government had decided to temporarily lower VAT by 1% for a period of one year, in order to combat the economic effects of inflation.
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New social parameters have been published for the year 2023
03.01.23Indeed, Following the legislative increases of the minimum social wage, you will find below the new social parameters applicable from January 1, 2023.
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Travel and living expenses have been published for the year 2023
20.12.22In Luxembourg, travel and living expenses allocated as a fixed amount to an employee in case of travel are tax deductible to a limited extent.
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Extension of the social security tolerance period for cross-border teleworkers until 30 June 2023
22.11.22The transitional period concerning social security for cross-border workers was due to end on 31 December 2022. Nevertheless, the Administrative commission for the coordination of social security systems in the European Union has decided to extend this period until 30 June 2023.
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